Quote “TCT Fairway Trencher working like a knife thru hot butter!”
Country Club Of Detroit,USA
XGD Systems has used several TrenchIt kits over the last decade, including wheel machines and our current favourite is the heavy duty chain trencher(s). As one of North America’s leading golf drainage contractor’s, the heavy usage we ask out of these machines is unparalleled, and the TrenchIt machines continually deliver. The parts support system is also key to keep these machines running and efficient.
Mark Luckhardt – Turf Drainage Consultant – XGD Systems, Florida, USA
In 2014 we purchased the TrenchIt TCT Fairway Trencher and Conveyor, since then we have installed close to 10,000 meters of drainage into the course and we are now truly playable 365 days a year. Probably one of the best investments the club has ever made.
Stuart Baird – Course Superintendent, Akarana Golf Club, Auckland, New Zealand
We purchased a Trench It 2710 tractor mounted trencher. It was an easy decision to make, using a local company that provided excellent workmanship with their trencher. We have always found Trench It to be reliable with their service and product knowledge.
J.B Electrical, Rotorua, New Zealand
We needed another trencher so we purchased the Trench It STV40 tractor mounted trencher. We already had an existing Trench It tractor mounted trencher so it was an easy decision. We do a lot of heavy duty trenching around the area, my machines never let me down. The trenchers are reliable and economical piece of machinery. Trench It always provides number one backup and service for my business.
Capitol Trenching, Te Puke, New Zealand
Readylawn Christchurch, New Zealand
Chris Rapson, CEO at Bay of Plenty Cricket Association, New Zealand
John Spraggs, Director of Agronomy at Royal Wellington Golf Club, New Zealand